Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dallas Business Headshot Critique - Do's and Don'ts

Here is a headshot a took recently for a client. As a leading and experienced professional Dallas business headshot photographer, let me share some observations on what this client did right and what they did wrong - with a view towards making the best impression with your headshots and wardrobe.

This is an attractive woman, with nicely done hair and makeup. Her expression is great, the eyes are not squinted, etc. My photo it technically good with lighting and pose. So far so good...

You want your headshot to focus on your face, not your clothes or jewelry/accessories. This client did not follow my preparation guidelines and, as you can see, what is probably a fine blazer in person, in a business headshot becomes distracting -- too many lines and details calling the eye to it, and off of her face. You want to wear solid colors, of if your fabric has patterns in it, make them so tiny that they are barely noticeable.

Next is the jewelry. It is a nice necklace, but not for a business headshot. Too much and, again, distracting from her face. Keep your necklace to a small gold chain, of if you must wear pearls, make them very, very small pearls.

Given that your business headshot or corporate portrait is an opportunity to make a great impression on your business prospects and existing peers alike, it serves your interests to make sure it is done right. For a winning image, call my professional Dallas business headshot studio at 877-858-0071.